Earn future airdrop tokens with free Web3 SNS “Phaver” get started!

This article does not constitute investment advice Please make decisions at your own risk

“Phaver” a web3 social networking service that has been steadily increasing in number since January 2022.


The PhaverAPP is free to start, and there is a public commitment to airdrop tokens in the future for contributors (boosters) of the app.


“Share-to-Earn” (S2E) is a business model incentivizing a platform’s users to share content to gain a reward for their contribution. In the case of Phaver it allows for a creation of a social media economy that can be translated into a real-world micro-economy.

~From Phaver Discord Q&A~


This section provides a quick overview of Phaver and how to accumulate points to receive token air drops.



Get started “Phaver APP”




What is Phaver?

Phaver is very simply put, a social networking service similar to the web3 version of Twitter or Instagram.


This is an application made with LensProtocol.

LensProtocol itself has been attracting attention because it is developed by the team at Aave, but Phaver also has a powerful VC and more than 100,000 applications have been downloaded since January 2022, making it a PJ with high expectations for the future.


The company’s characteristic is “Share-to-Earn” a system that enables users to earn money by utilizing applications and making them more popular.


At this time, the accumulation of these Phaver Points will allow for airdrops of tokens in the future.


Earning points is not difficult.

From here on out, we will tell you how.



Get started “Phaver APP”




How to earn Phaver Points

Here are the main ways to earn Phaver Points.

The following are the details in order.


・Share your post and get Love
・Invite your friends to PhaverAPP




Submissions would be a basic way to earn points.



You will have to choose one topic before posting, but you will get 1 point for posting on a regular topic.

You will also receive 1 point if someone stakes a post for you, as described below.


If you spend 50 points and choose a premium topic, you will receive 10 points for staking.


If you have a good story to post that could receive 5 or more point staking, choose a premium topic!



Share your post and get Love

If you do not have information to post yourself, you can also earn points by sharing someone else’s post.


If the post you share is staked for points, you can earn the same as if you had posted it yourself.


You can also choose a topic for sharing, so you can earn more points by choosing a premium topic.




Invite your friends to PhaverAPP

You can also earn points by referring people to PhaverAPP.

You will receive 20 points for each person you invite.


To create an invitation link, simply put your account name in the [https://phaver.app.link/xxx] xxx.


If you have not yet started Phaver APP, please use my invitation link below to get started.



Get started “Phaver APP”

