BCG 『GG』Solanaチェーンの位置情報の早期アクセスに参加しよう 流行りそうな予感のする位置情報ゲーム『GG(Xアカウント)』の早期アクセスが開始されてたので紹介します。GGとは?現状(... 2024.01.30 BCGuncategorized
BCG The Shatterpoint Puzzle too the answer Hint!! The puzzle event was held at SHATTERPOINT, which boasts of i... 2022.12.17 BCG
BCG High Expectations! Introducing BCG “ShatterPoint”, an action RPG I'd like to introduce a BCG (blockchain game) called "Shatte... 2022.09.02 BCGfree-earnuncategorized
BCG How to unstake WAXP staking to CPU and NET. WAX is also a blockchain gaming platform.I believe we'll be ... 2022.03.29 BCG
BCG Review of the popular BCG “Alien Worlds” as I started it In this review, I have started "Alien Worlds", a game that c... 2022.03.17 BCGuncategorized
BCG Introducing Bombcrypto’s slightly more profitable technique. Bombcrypto (Bombcrypto) is a famous NFT game where you can e... 2022.03.16 BCGuncategorized